Use Case
Breathing Easy: How Compressed Air Monitoring Enhances Consumer and Product Safety
The Problem
Compressed air is an essential, multi-use resource in beverage manufacturing that has both indirect and direct contact with food, making it the subject of various consumer safety regulations. Compressed air that comes in direct contact with food must maintain a strict level of air purity, meaning it is clean, dry, and oil-free.
Small, undetectable leaks lead to wasted resources and potential contamination that puts the compliance, quality, and safety of your entire plant at risk.
Small, undetectable leaks lead to wasted resources and potential contamination that puts the compliance, quality, and safety of your entire plant at risk.
The Solution
Pocket Factory’s Compressed Air model continuously monitors all compressed air system data–including consumption, temperature, humidity, dew-point and airflow. The model detects the presence of unwanted particles in compressed air systems, such as moisture and residual oil, and alerts plant operators to any impurities or changes.
These alerts allow for quick reactions to potential issues, conserving energy usage and preventing downtime and harmful product contamination.
These alerts allow for quick reactions to potential issues, conserving energy usage and preventing downtime and harmful product contamination.
Data-Driven Durability: Using Predictive Maintenance to Optimize Filling Valve Longevity and Spare-Parts Spending
Say Goodbye to Unscheduled Downtime: Proactive Problem Solving Through Bottleneck Detection
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